Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Happy Noise

In Happy Endings the point is made that everyone will die and it doesn’t matter because we all will. In the white noise this is kind of seen as well when jack and babette are talking about death. Margret Atwood also like little plots that would happen in a story like jack getting cheated on. Death is the great equalizer and this is seen in both. Plots can be thrown out the window as Atwood would say though because of the death factor in the end. So they do related but they are also slightly different.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Girl Scouts.....

So what I think about this is simple, I believe in doing this you are setting up women to earn everything they get but in a way it is wrong because they have to be persuasive and have to uses their "cuteness" to sell stuff. Women are being set up to fail as well, not everyone buys these cookies and this could be a bit discouraging. Also you are forcing them to take the role of the food prepare; it kinda is saying that they should be in the kitchen which is wrong. Overall this is setting women up for failure and I think the intent is right but the result is different.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Word Deconstruction...

So I know this assignment made many people extremely frustrated. The person that I did this to was calm and did not get flustered. Nick said that if you have a good vocabulary and are passionate you don’t have to deconstruct a word to thing. i agree with some of this but when you start to repeat word it is saying that there is no other words but thing. So at a point you will end up getting to the word thing in ever word at its lowest level.

Friday, February 15, 2008


I don’t think that the writer always believes what he is writing about. In some cases I know that it will happen but for the most part I think that they just write to write. An example that would lead me to believe this is South Park. i really don’t think that the writer believes that our imaginations can be take away, and we have to knock a wall down to get them back. I think that they just have fun writing and don’t really believe that much in what they are talking about.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


What is art? It is whatever you want it to be. A person makes their own choice about what art is. Unless you know who drew or wrote the piece of work you will never truly know what it means. You as the person who reads or sees it make up what they think it means whether or not it is right. Art is different to every person; a person my throw some paint on a page and call it art, but another may say that they just spilled. In this postmodern era there is not a clear line about what is art.

Sunday, February 10, 2008


In postmodernism disorder is celebrated and it is extreamly aparent. It is seen in movies, writings, and many other things. Postmodernism plays a large role in socity today. Disorder is seen all many areas so it rubs off on people who see it. Disorder is excepted as time goes on and postmodernism becomes more influential. The idea of disorder goes against many other belifes in the past and it is not always taken well. Disorder in socity is a growing trend and it will not stop growing until we come out of this postmodern era.


Thursday, February 7, 2008


The world we live in today is extremely postmodern, and people can chose for themselves what reality to them is. An example of this is in the story toast which we read. The author states that she is toast. This is very postmodern and she is choosing what reality is for herself. In the world we live in who is right, people may al have different views so there is no real reality…? Reality is a choice for a person and it can change over time as well. The world is a changing place and reality is changing as well, so people need to make up their mind about what they believe.