Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Hyperreality is the inability for a person to distinguish what is real or not. One example of the is the body spray axe which states "the axe affect". This company tells people that if you wear this spray women will be more attracted to you, which is false. People may believe this because of the commercials on TV. Another place where you can see is in rap stars. One person that raps about being from New York and being "hood" Ja Rule, even though he is from a small town in not in the city. Rappers and all artists may sing about one this about themselves, but in the end it could not be ture. Hyperreality is extremely relevant and people need to understand what truth is and be able to choose between the two.


Thursday, January 17, 2008


personally i do not think that it is a crisis, we are living in a postmodern world and the only thing we can do is live with it. christians have to not call it a crisis because then postmodernists will be turned off to our religion. also not everything about postmodernism is bad. there are some goods in all religions, we just need to find them and tell them about more good that is a part of christianity. we need to hold to our values of christianity but live in our postmodern world and just try to show the postmoderns that christianty is the only answer!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


ight so this story is def a metaficton. the plot can be changed and that is seen in the story. the plot is kinda thrown out the window tho. it just talk about the things around the plot and leaves it out. there is def rising and falling action in this story as well.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008


so he is def postmodern because he is like changin all the time in the movies. also he is like crazy and choatic which is basically postmodernism. also he looks pretty chill and doesnt care bout what others say. everything is basically relitive!

Friday, January 11, 2008

The Picture...

So i saw the picture as the optimism that we need to live this life with.. there is bad and good in life so you need to have a good outlook and push throw.


Ight so i talked to someone that i dont normally and it was kinda weird, but nice in a way. it was hard to start conversation but it was nice to talk to someone different than normal. i will try to do it in the future because it is nice to go out of your way to do stuff like that!

Tuesday, January 8, 2008


Alright so the echoes that happened by R and G were sybolic of the echoes heard from the ghost. this time no one really listened like the time before. i think this is because they are lease important to the story. they have no meaning and no one payed attention to them.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Naw Dog

I think that Horatio is showing disapproval to R and G with what he said. They both have been bad friends and have not been loyal to anyone but the king. No body really likes them and I don’t think Horatio is on that does. They did nothing to deserve anything more than death. It is obvious to me that it was disapproval because these two men were not well liked in Denmark.