Thursday, December 6, 2007


I am pretty sure that Shakespeare was not a modernist but some aspects of Hamlet are modernist. People in the play are a bit crazy, but one could say it is all just an act. So to say that Shakespeare is a modernist is a bit of a stretch. There are some things that you could say that is modern but not enough to back the argument. I don’t think that the story Hamlet is crazy enough to be called modern art.

Monday, December 3, 2007

To Answer...

Why is King Claudius so interested in the madness of Hamlet?

I think it is obvious that Hamlet is on to Claudius about the murder. This is why he worries so much about Hamlet and his madness. He may not think that he is mad but it might just be an act because of his father’s death. Also I don’t think he thinks he is mad because of the play and what happened. I think he is worried that he will be found out and killed because of his murder of the past king.

Sunday, December 2, 2007


Some worldviews Hamlet was give by his parents were how to be a good leader. His father was a good king and he was ready to take the throne and do what his father wanted him to do. Also he was given the view that the ends justify the means. This is shown through how he wants revenge to kill the Claudius because of the murder of his father. His father “the ghost” said this when he talks with Hamlet.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Claudius thinks Hamlets crazy....

Claudius might think that Hamlet is crazy, but I think the reason he wants him gone is because he knows about the murder. He is always worried about Hamlet and has people spy on him and stuff. That might be about his craziness but I am pretty sure its not. Claudius wants him gone so he won’t have to be worried about getting found out about the murder. He just wants Hamlet gone and that’s the bottom line.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007


#1- What is king Claudius's true reason for wanting Hamlet to leave.... is it about his maddness or about the murder?

#2- Why isnt the Queen able to see the ghost since he was her husband?

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Does Hamlet Love Ophelia?

I think Hamlet did love Ophelia in the past, but now i think he just want some. In the past the letters he wrote showed his love. Now Hamlet makes sex jokes to her all the time, and hes more worried about gettin revenge. This makes me think that he just kinda likes her but its not love. Also if Hamlet was not truely mad I think he would say something to her about it, but if he is well then i dont think he could truely love her anyways. Also he calls her a whore all the time which you normally dont say about someone you love.